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Monday, March 29, 2010

365 Project : March 22nd - 28th

March 28th: Arran kennedy showing off his velociraptor steeze. Gets +5 steezes for wearing goggles to block the laser beams shooting out of his eyes.

March 27th: Same shot with a super saturated feeling. Technicolour dream.

March 26th: Here's a shot of Match steezin his skis on the box. Straight from the camera (barring watermark).

March 25th: Here is the same shot just run through my work flow. Some throw backs to the time-stopping qualities of vintage photos, and bailing!

March 24th: So I shot the rail jam (in the future! the 26th), hosted by the UVic Snow club. Going to put up some before/after shots to show some of my editing. Here's a pre-bail, shot of Kid Lilie straight from the camera.

March 23rd: An interesting concept, once proudly displayed, fades with age.
March 22nd: On the other side.


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