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Monday, February 1, 2010

365 Project : February 1st - 7th

February 7th: So we found a chair.

February 6th: Was shooting in Cadboro Bay with ML and this Piper decided to do a low pass. Pretty cool shot actually, the sunset really helped with the colours and lighting. I edited it a bit in Lightroom and Photoshop, presto! We'll see if it stays like this though.

February 5th: Yay for trees. Was touring in Mystic Vale off the beaten path, came across this noble stump being reclaimed by the forest.

February 4th: WOW, I can't believe that I'm actually this forgetful. Again, I almost miss a day. REGARDLESS of what happens, I will have 365 photos up at the end of this project. Here's a photo I took on a photoventure with cody and matt but processed today.

February 3rd: Day three. Well, I know its technically past the midnight point and as such here is another picture as promised! It's a stylized closeup of my IcematAudio Siberia headphones - the last year they were Icemats (now the company is owned by and branded Steelseries).

February 2nd: Day two! Went downtown with Justin - he wanted to buy a CD. Ended up in this alley where we purchased some fantastic noodle boxes.

February 1st: The beginning of the project and its already tough. I was up super late (or early depending) and got some shots of the sunrise. Didn't shoot on a tripod so, here's an HDR of the thing. (processed later for funs)


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